Progress Report

Today is the 15th of November. I have officially reached the HALFWAY POINT for NaNo, and I’m STILL ALIVE! 🙂 Thankfully the ideas are still coming strong–almost too strong on some days. My goals have been to write at least 1,667 words a day, and to NOT edit. Some days I have written a lot more than 1,667. Some days I wrote a lot less. But I have NOT edited, even though my fingers are twitching. Having “writer with an editor brain” syndrome is hard to combat, but so far I’m resisting the urge.

My progress report:

Day 1: I wrote 3,228 words

Day 2: Today was National Book Lovers Day, so of course I HAD to read…read more than 50,000 words…sure wish that counted for my writing total! I also spent the morning “bouncing” with a writer friend.  (3,693 words written)

Day 3:  Only wrote 891 words today, but I finished my “first week” of NaNo with 7,812 words. My handy-dandy calendar said I should be at least to 5001 words…felt overall accomplishment!

Day 4: Monday . . . 2,629 Words

Day 5: 2,868 Words

Day 6: Got distracted by Howl’s Moving Castle, watching the movie, and picking up the book again . . . Only wrote 440 words, but did get some “research done”. Also, Wednesday is my “bouncing day.”  Skyped with my bouncing buddy and then went to the diner until 11 PM to hang out with another awesome writing buddy (we mostly drank coffee, but she did help me with ideas!)

Day 7: 2,348 words (also, had an interesting chat with a man in uniform…FODDER!)

Day 8: My boys didn’t have school today….And I decided to use Anna Kendrick as my model for my heroine, ENDICOTT. So, of course I had to “search” on pinterest…which led me to deciding to learn the Cup Song…which sent me to YOUTUBE….which made me want to learn the words that Anna Kendrick sings with it on the movie Pitch Perfect…Yeah, I get distracted easily. But I accomplished the cup song, movements AND words! I only got 658 words written . . .

Day 9: Today I went to one of my favorite places (Lamoka Lake Baptist Camp). I helped run the wood splitter, and chuck and stack wood. Great exercise! Came home and wrote 1,791 words. 

Day 10:  Sunday, day of rest… but did manage to write 2,561 words.

My first full week DONE! Wrote a total of 13,292 words for the week, giving me a grand total of 21,114 (my calendar said to be at 16,670)

Day 11: Veteran’s Day (a HUGE THANK YOU to all those who served and are serving. So blessed!)…decided to give up coffee…don’t ask…only wrote 218 words…

Day 12: NO SCHOOL: SNOW DAY!!! WHAT??? Back on coffee…sent out the signal… wrote 3,664 words (think I’ll keep drinking it). Painted my nails with silver glitter nail polish and wrote 50,000 WORDS in blue nail polish. 🙂 Now every time I look down, I see 50,000 words!

Day 13: 948 words…hit 25K…halfway there for word count! Woot! Woot!

Day 14: 879 words

Day 15: STILL WRITING (hmmmm, do these wonderful words on my blog count??) I’m trying to get as many words written this morning as possible because my brain will not be working tomorrow. Tonight at 6PM until 6AM tomorrow, I will be with over 1,000 teenagers and adults…teen all-nighter…a night of watching a hockey game, playing volleyball & soccer, pizza, bowling, and inflatables!!)….lots of FODDER just waiting for my pen to hear it! 

My Discoveries:

**I can’t write in order, going from “Once Upon a Time” to “The End” is not really my style. It just frustrates me to no end. My mind jumps all over the place. I get an idea for a scene, and I have to write it down before my brain will let me move on. But having Scrivener has been a life saver, catering to my mind-hopping tendencies. I’m able to have folders that help me stay organized and out of order!

**I’m also discovering that this “quantity over quality” writing is hard for my editor brain. I know I’m writing a lot of silliness among the jewels. (at one point I have my heroine and hero discussing her black and white stripped stockings…although, I think I’ll keep the scene because it made me ROFL!) I want to fix the silliness, bad grammar, and the randomness of it all, but I’m determined to stay focused on 50K! It’s comforting to know that at the end of the month, I will have my freedom to edit to my heart’s content…probably deleting more then half…YEAH! 😉


This is where I’m at. Type ya again at the end of November!

For those of you brave writer’s in this boat with me, good luck!

Just Keep Writing!

Just Keep Writing!

RUE! (resist the urge to edit)


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